The LM2990 is a three-terminal, low dropout, 1 ampere negative voltage regulator available with fixed output voltages of -5, -5.2, -12, and -15V.The LM2990 uses new circuit design techniques to provide low dropout and low quiescent current. The dropout voltage at 1A load current is typically 0.6V and a guaranteed worst case maximum of 1V over the entire operating temperature range. The quiescent current is typically 1 mA with 1A load current and an input-output voltage differential greater than 3V. A unique circuit design of the internal bias supply limits the quiescent current to only 9 mA (typical) when the regulator is in the dropout mode (V OUT – V IN = 3V). Output voltage accuracy is guaranteed to ±5% over load, and temperature extremes.
LM 2990 T-5.0 – LDO-Regler, fest, -5 V, TO-220
3,60 €
- Lieferzeit: 1-2 Werktage
- ab Lager