The DS2480B is a serial port to 1-Wire interface chip that supports standard and overdrive speeds. It con- nects directly to UARTs and 5V RS232 systems. Interfacing to RS232C (±12V le vels) requires a passive clamping circuit and one 5V to ±12V level translator. Internal timers relieve the host of the burden of generating the time-critical 1-Wire communication waveforms. In contrast to the DS9097(E) where a full character must be sent by the host for each 1-Wire time slot, the DS2480B can translate each character into eight 1-Wire time slots, thereby increasing the data throughput significantly. In addition, the DS2480B can be set to communicate at four diffe rent data rates, including 115.2kbps, 57.6kbps, and 19.2kbps, with 9.6kbps being the power-on default. Co mmand codes received from the host’s crystal controlled UART serve as a refere nce to continuously calibrate th e on-chip timing generator.
DS 2480 B – RS232, 1 Treiber, SO-8
7,40 €
- Lieferzeit: 3-5 Werktage
- versandfertig in 2 bis 3 Werktagen